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Home / Slovenia /

Bled - Residences

IMG_2641.JPG Bled - The Castle and the city centerThumbnailsBled - BirthdayBled - The Castle and the city centerThumbnailsBled - BirthdayBled - The Castle and the city centerThumbnailsBled - BirthdayBled - The Castle and the city centerThumbnailsBled - Birthday

Bled is the main tourism and vacation centre in Slovenia. Hotels, build in the 80s and 90s, were very influenced by Yougoslavian architecture.[lang=fr]Bled est le principal point touristique du pays. Les hôtels, construits pour la plupart à l'ère yougoslave pour les plus aisés, portent encore beaucoup les caractéristiques architecturales de l'Europe de l'Est
